Giuseppe Solmi

F430) 'Pandectarium'

Leaf on vellum in gothic script, to be dated at the 14th century,

perhaps of Italian provenance.

Leaf dimensions: mm. 290 x 210 ca.; writing space dimensions: mm.

260 x 152 ca.

Text in black ink arranged on 47 lines displayed in a double column,

wholly surrounded by a commentary.

The decoration set includes some initials in red or blue with

contrasting penwork. Heavily annotated, probably by a student. The

text contains some passages from the famous body of laws known as

Pandectarium, compiled under the rule of the Byzantine Emperor

Justinian 1st (regnavit AD 527 - 565).

Recto-side, column 1, line 2, Book Eight of the Pandectarium:
[.] Per fundum qui plurimum est, ius mihi esse eiundi agenti potest separatim cedi: ergo subtili ratione non aliter meum fiet ius, quam si omnes cedat; et novissima demum cessione superiores omnes confirmaburitur [.]. (ITV7)